Welcome To Dalmationer.art!
Hi! I'm Matilda, AKA Dalm. I'm a Scottish artist & union organiser. This is a website for my artwork, comics, and writing, as well as probably other stuff down the line.
Stay a while, hang out, and don't forget to check the guestbook (if I've set one up yet.)
You can contact me at hexbombdoom @ gmail.com for now, but i'll be setting up a proper contact page soon!

Follow my RSS feed to get news on site updates!
Site updates!
I forgot to do the thing I mentioned in the last one. Anyway, new art in the gallery! check it out!25/11/2023
There's a new comic in the gallery. Over the next few days I might put some of my art and posters up, too. We'll see.the band ended up falling apart sadly... but maybe we'll get back together. I hope so. the song we did about Matapacos was really fucking good.
Added more bands to my Punk List Page! I'll make a page soon for my own band, so get hyped for that!!!!11/05/2023
It's been a while, but I felt like updating my lovely Punk List Page! You can now find four incredible new edinburgh local bands! blonde secret, the sabotagers, thundrmoon and thee girl fridays! Have fun, and remember to book them for some gigs.03/02/2023
I've added a new piece of art (a commission!) You can check it out here. I should really put my prices up on this site somewhere...03/02/2023
I've added a new piece of art and finally updated my gallery page! go check it out!09/07/2022
I've added Dear Srrrz, Vee's band, to the Punk List Page! Right now I'm working on the backend of the gallery page... and also a submission page for a new zine! Get excited!I forget what else I've added. I think maybe some pals to the friends and links page!
Added some friends to the friends and links page! plus many new badges!16/03/2022
Added my wonderful friend Ellie's band PETROLEUM GENDERLOSS to the Punk List Page, plus I've also added a couple profiles of pals to the friends and links page.I'll be adding more to the gallery and the friends page soon! Stay tuned!
Hi all!Added a bunch of stuff to the site which isn't public just yet... Also started designing my Gallery, though there's nothing on there yet! I want to wait until I can work out a way to add a comments box before I start uploading my art.
I've also added an RSS feed to the site! Hopefully it works! I'm writing a little page about RSS, how to set one up, and why it's cool which will go out soon. I also added more badges, and a link to the Yesterweb Webring!
WE'RE LIVE!I'm so excited to work on this site... Today I recreated the embedded google sheet on the Punk List Page as a fully handmade HTML form... Which I think will load much faster and not have any trackers!
I'll maybe write a little blog post and get my RSS feed working properly within the next couple of days, if I can.
Oh, also I added placeholder pages for all the links on my sidebar... REMAIN CONTENT.
Hey all! Welcome to my site! It's not live, so only I'm seeing this right now, but hopefully it'll be up soon!Added the Gallery page, and finished the functionality of my cool Punk List page... So excited for everyone to see it!
I will likely put up a blog post soon, so that that page isn't completely empty... And so I have something to put on the RSS feed!